Most of these sims were made 6 months ago and I've just been retweaking them over and over. The first 4 were made in the last week. I'll get to uploading them in the next few months. I'm glad I decided to stock for the winter (aka recommencement of work and study). I've gone from spending almost all day in CAS making on average 3 sims, to making 1 or 2 a week. Lol. See what happens when your spare time gets robbed from you by the MAN! Or in our case, the LADY, since we have a female PM. :)

Ohhh wow !!!
I don't know quite what to say, but they all look absolutely stunning !! I really can't wait for you to upload them. But I guess, I'll have to wait.
Feeling a bit sad about, you're not able to spend that much time anymore on the sims stuff, due to your study :(
But I do know the study is more important !! Still feeling a bit sad though :(
They all look amazing! They're all very different from each other too. :)
I can't wait either. I particularly love the one on the top right already. :P
Thanks guys! I'm disappointed that I can't spend too much time on sims anymore either. :( It makes me happy and lets me ignore reality for a few hours. :D The top four will probably get released soon, especially if this procrastination of mine continues. :P
You are such a tease! I can't wait for Temperley and Selene. Your sims are all so gorgeous and distinct.
I'm about to empty my hood and fill it with all custom sims and many of your ladies will be there. You, LFB, and SlipSlop are my fav sim creators. Eventually I want to see more men from you too.
LMAO! I know, I'm wicked aren't I? That's very flattering that you consider me one of your favs :) Thank you so much, that's made my day. I actually made a sim guy yesterday and will upload him soon hopefully. :)
Hi Hun,
My name is Madi and well let me start by saying that your sims are AMAZING!!!!!!...
Anyhoo, I was wondering if you would allow me to use them in my magazine - SF Magazine. We would like proper permission before we abuse them as they are sooooo gorgeous...Anyhoo, get back to me. Of course we would give you full credit...also would love to consider you as one of our "featured artist" sometime...let me know if you would be down.
P.S. you can get back to me at
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