I'm very sorry for my lack of updates and for not even posting any of the sims I've featured. I have FAR to much going on right now. I am unable to focus and playing the game is not helping me relax anymore. Basically, I am taking an extended break from my blog. I will post the previewed sims up over the next few weeks but once they are up, I can not guarrantee I will be posting or creating anything new for a while. I hope people can understand this. I need to clear my head and focus on my real life for a little while. I keep pretending that disappointment does not affect me, but frankly that is back firing a bit here. I'm old and I need to figure stuff out. Being apathetic like I am is pointless. Sometimes we need to give a shit about some stuff.
Besides, there are plenty of other sim creators out there that can fill in the imaginary void, you can find most of them in my blog list. I highly suggest following Evater's Sims 3, Ariz's blog, Precious Sims, Alan_Gast's sims, Brit Le Twit, Romantique and I'm sure there are plenty more that I have forgotten about that aren't in my list. Also, check out Sims Cave, MANY MANNY fabulous creators over there. However, there are MANY out there, on WordPress and even Sims3.com. I'm not completely disappearing, I'll be around in the Sims community, probably at CStyles or dropping random comments here and there.
I'm faily sure I'll be back soon, I just need to figure things out.
Take care everyone and remember relax and we're all here in the name of FUN!
- Miss LochNess
Ohhh noes !!
And yes of course I do understand, but I'm still gonna miss you and your creations !
However I'm sure you do the things that need to be done and taking a break sometimes helps, giving new or other perspectives and / or new motivation.
And if the game doesn't help you to relax anymore, I guess you really need a break, like you mentioned.
I hope to see you around (much) and at Cstyles, for now I eagerly await the posting of the Sims you've featured ! ;)
Take care & hugz !! <3
Im going to miss you too,I hope things go well for you and life treats you right.All the best wishes from Precioussims.
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